Basically soy sauce with bonito flavouring added this is the most popular of sauces that accompany sashimi. Tosa is the old name of the southernmost area of shikoku, known for its bonito catch.
Serves : 1 cup
Ingredients :
Sake : 5 tsp
Mirin : 3 tbsp
Giant kelp (konbu) : 3 inch
Dark soy sauce : 1 cup
Tamari sauce : 3 tbsp
Dried bonito flakes (hana-katsuo) : 10 gms
Mix the sake and mirin and burn off the alcohol. Wipe the giant kelp with a damp cloth. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and let stand 24 hours. Stain through cheesecloth and store in a cool dark place for 30 days to mature. Keeps 2-3 years, but the best flavour occurs after againg from 6 months to 1 year. Should you need a sashimi dip at a moments's notice, mix to taste dark soy sauce with mirin from which the alcohol has been burnt off.
Serves : ½ cup
Method :
Toast 2 tbsp white sesame seeds in a dry frying pan till golden brown and grind to a flaky paste in a Japanese grinding bowl (suribachi). Stir well into ½ cup of tosa soy sauce (or use dark soy sauce plus ½ tbsp mirin from which alcohol has been burn off).
Serves : ½ cup
Method :
Rub 2 tbsp pickled plum meat (bainiku, available canned) through a sieve. Or remove seeds and use the meat of whole red pickled plums (umeboshi) and rub through a sieve. Combine 2 tbsp sieved plum with ½ cup tosa soy sauce. Mix well and use.
Serves : ½ cup
Method :
Mix 1 tbsp finely grated wasabi horseradish with ½ cup tosa soy sauce (or use dark soy sauce).
Serves " ½ cup
Method :
Mix 2 tbsp finely grated ginger with ½ cup tosa soy sauce (or use dark soy sauce). Prepare only immediately before using.
Also widely used as dressing for vinegared foods (sunomono) and with one-pot dishes, such as Shabushabu.
Serves : 2 ½ cup
Ingredients :
Lemon juice : 1 cup
Rice vinegar : 1/3 cup
Dark soy sauce : 1 cup
Tamari sauce : 2 tbsp
Mirin : 3 tbsp
Dried bonito flakes : 10 gms
Giant kelp (konbu) : 5 cm
Method :
Mix all ingredients and let stand 24 hours. Strain through cheesecloth and mature 3 months in a cool dark place, or refrigerator. Keeps indefinitely, but should be used within one year for best flavor.
Serves : 2 cups
Ingredients :
White miso : 220 gms
Eggyolk : 2
Sake : 2 tbsp
Sugar : 2 tbsp
Water : ½ cup
Rice vinegar : 1 tbsp
Mustard paste : 1 tbsp
Method :
Blend miso with beaten egg yolks, sake, and sugar. Thin miso mixture with ½ cup water. Put in a double boiler over hot water and stir till thick as original miso. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Refrigerate this base mixture in sealed container. Keeps 3 weeks.
For use: Mix 6 tbsp miso base mixture with 1 tbsp rice vinegar and 1/3 tsp mustard paste.
(Yakitori no tare)
Serves : 3 cups
Ingredients :
Chicken leg : 1
Sake : 1 cup
Mirin : ½ cup
Rock sugar : 160 gms
Dark soy sauce : 2 cups
Tamari sauce : 3 tsbp
Method :
To prepare : remove meat from bone. Grill or roast bone till crisp but not scorched.
Combine other ingredients in a medium-sized saucepan and stir well. Add grilled chicken bone. Simmer over low heat till reduced by 20 percent, stirring frequently till rock sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat, let come to room temperature and strain. Discard bone. Refrigerate tightly sealed in bottle.
If you dip skewers into sauce during grilling instead of basting, you should reheat the sauce after every use and simmer for a few minutes to cook out moisture.
(Sokuseki yakitori no tare)
For one use only; throw away leftovers.
Ingredients :
Sake : 7 tbsp Bring to boil (to eliminate alcohol)
Dark soy sauce : ¼ cup
Mirin : 3 tbsp
Sugar : 2 tbsp
Method :
The following recipe for yakitori is designed for a small party - indoor or outdoor - taking into considerations the guests who cannot resist just one or five more. Skewer the various types of food as shown.
Here are some typical yakitori kebab types. Since each ingredient has its own cooking time, it is skewered separately.
Small chicken leg (salted; without skewers) Chiken wing with tip removed (salted; with or without skewers)
Serves : 1 1/3 cups
Ingredients :
Sake : 7 tbsp
Mirin : 7 tbsp
Dark soy sauce : 7 tbsp
Sugar : 1 tbsp
Method :
Mix ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat; boil until sugar is dissolved. Use immediately, or cool, bottle and store in refrigerator.
Makes : 1 1/3
Ingredients :
Rice vinegar : ½ cup
Dark or light soy sauce : 2 tbsp
Dashi or water : 2/3 cup
Method :
Mix vinegar with soy sauce and thin to taste with dashi or water. Keep indefinitely refrigerated.
makes : 1 1/3 cup
Ingredients :
Sugar or mirin : 1 ½ tbsp
Rice vinegar : ½ tbsp
Dark or light soy sauce : 2 tbsp
Dashi water : 2/3 cup
Method :
Mix in a saucepan over medium heat. Dissolve sugar in vinegar and add soy sauce, then stir in dashi to taste. Bring just to a boil, remove from heat, and cool to room temperature. Keeps indefinitely refrigerated.
Makes : 1 cup
Ingredients :
Rice vinegar : ½ cup
Sugar : 2 1/2 cup
Dashi : ½ cup
Method :
Dissolve sugar in vinegar and add dashi or water. Bring just to a boil, remove from heat, and cool to room temperature. Keeps indefinitely refrigerated.
PONZU SAUCE : This is also a popular dipping saue for sashimi and one-pot dishes.
Ingredients :
Pickled plum meat : 2/3 cup
Rice vinegar : 1 tbsp
Mirin : 2 tsp
Dashi : 3 tbsp
Method :
Pickled plum meat (known as bainiku) is sold canned, or cut off the meat of pickled plums (umeboshi). Rub plum meat through a sieve with the back of wooden spoon to puree, then add vinegar and mirin. Stir in dashi as desired to thin and smooth dressing. Keeps indefinitely refrigerated.
Makes : ¾ cup
Ingredients :
Nihaizu or sanbaizu : 1 cup
Dried bonito flakes : 5-10 gms
Method :
In a saucepan bring nihaizu or sanbaizu just to a boil. Add bonito flakes and stir over heat till thoroughly soaked, about 30 seconds. Remove from heat and strain immediately. Discard flakes. Let dressing cool to room temperature. Keeps indefinitely refrigerated.
Ingredients :
Egg yolk : 3
Nihaiau, sanbaizu : 1/3 cup
Method :
Beat yolk lightly. Put vinegar dressing in the top of a double boiler, and over boiling water gradully stir in the beaten yolk; continue stirring until mixture becomes creamy. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.
Method :
Add about 1 tbsp finely grated fresh ginger to ½ cup room-temperature nihaizu or sanbaizu.
Makes : ½ cup
Ingredients :
Nihaizu, sanbaizu : ½ cup
Kuzu starch or cornstarch : 1 tbsp
Water : 1 tbsp
Method :
Heat the vinegar dressing in a saucepan over medium heat. Slowly add the kuzu or cornstarch and water mixture, stirring over heat just till the dressing has thickened. Allow to come to room temperature and use cooled.
Ingredients :
White sesame seeds : ½ cup
Nihiazu or sanbaizu : ½ cup
Method :
Toast sesame seeds. Transfer to a suribachi (Japanese grinding bowl) and grind till flaky and pastelike. Stir in the nihaizu or sanbaizu. Keeps about 2 wks refrigerated.
Method :
Add about ¼ cup grated giant white radish to ½ cup room temperature nihaizu or sanbaizu.
Method :
Add 1 tbsp yuzu citron juice or lemon or lime to ½ cup room temperature nihaizu or sanbaizu.
Grind a few kinome springs ina suribachi (Japanese grinding bowl) and mix in about ½ cup room temperature nihaizu or sanbaizu. Very fragrant. Use immediately.
Method :
Add 2 seeded dried red peppers and 1 lightly charred long onion or 2-3 lightly charred green onions to about ½ cup nihaizu or sanbaisu. Heat in a saucepan till simmering. This is one of the few dressings used hot. Do not eat red peppers, though you may us them for color. Keeps 3-4 days when you used to marinate food (such as deep-fried fish), but prepare just before using.
Method :
Add slightly less than 1 tsp finely grated wasabi horseradish to ½ cup room temperature nihaizu or sanbaizu. Mix just before serving because grated wasabi quickly loses its flavor and bite.
Method :
Add slightly less than 1 tsp mustard paste to ½ cup room temperature nihiazu or sanbaizu. Make just beofre serving because the mustard flaor is shortlived.
Okara is what is left when tofu is made. Makes : 1 cup
Ingredients :
Okara : 1 cup
Egg yolk : 1
Salt : tsp
Rice vinegar : 2 tbsp
Sugar : 1 tbsp
Method :
Puree okara by rubbing it through a sieve with the back of a spoon. Lightly beat egg yolk and mix with okara. Mix in other ingredients, blending well with each addition. Place mixture in double boiler and stir over boiling water until dressing is thick and smooth, remove from heat, and let cool. Use on same day as made.
Ingredients :
Egg yolk : 1
Bottled sea urchin : 50 gms
Mirin : 2 tsp
Sake : 2 tsp
Method :
Beat egg yolk lightly. Rub sea urchin through a sieve with back of a spoon to puree. Blend in lightly beaten egg yolk and mirin and sake till smooth. Must be used on the same day it is made.
Ingredients :
White sesame seeds : 4 tbsp
Dark or light soy sauce : 2 tsp
Dashi : 3 tbsp
Mirin : 1 tbsp
Method :
Toast sesame seeds then grind in a suribachi, grinding bowl, till flaky and paste like. Add other ingredients and blend well. Dressing should be creamy. Prepare just before using.
Ingredients :
Tofu (bean curd) : 1 cake
White sesame seeds : 2 tbsp
Sugar : 1 tbsp
Salt : 1 tbsp
Method :
Press bean curd for 30 mts. Rub pressed tofu through a sieve with the back of a spoon or mash well in a bowl.
Toast sesame seeds then grind in a grinding bowl, till flaky and pastelike.
Add sugar and salt, then add the pureed or mashed bean curd to the crushed sesame seed in the grinding bowl and blend well. Dressing should be thick and creamy. Keeps one day refrigerated.
Makes : 1 cup
Ingredients :
Egg yolk : 1
White miso : ¼ cup
Sake : 2 tbsp
Sugar : 1 tbsp
Mirin : 1 tbsp
Method :
Beat egg yolk lightly, add to miso, blend until smooth, and stir in other ingredients one by one. Place in a double boiler over medium heat and blend well. Remove from heat and allow to come to room temperature. May be thinned to taste with dashi. Keeps 2 weeks refrigerated.
When cool, any number of garnishing ingredients - such as kinome sprigs - may be added.
Makes : 1 cup
Ingredients :
Red miso : ¾ cup
Dashi or sake : 3 tbsp
Sugar : 2 tbsp
Light soy sauce : 2 tsp
Method :
Blend miso, sugar, and soy sauce. Cream miso mixture with dashi or sake or mirin. You may flavor with toasted and ground sesame seed or sansho pepper powder. Keeps one month refrigerated.
Primarily for soba noodles. Makes : 3 cups
Ingredients :
Dashi : 2 ½ cups
Dark soy sauce : ½ cup plus 2 tbsp
Mirin : 4 tbsp
Sugar : 1 tsp
Dried bonito flakes : 30 gms
Method :
In a medium-sized pot, mix all ingredients except bonito flakes and bring just to a boil over medium-high heat. Stir in the bonito flakes and immediately remove from heat. Wait about 10 seconds, till flakes are thoroughly soaked, and strain. Let liquid cool to room temperature to use.
You may prepare this dipping sauce in advance. In a covered container, it will keep several months refrigerated.
Serves : 4
Ingredients :
Dried udon noodles : 450 gms
Chopped green onion : 4 tbsp
Noodle broth : 4-6 cups
Seven spice mixture
Method :
Boil dried noodles according to directions on package, or follow the recipe. Drain in a colander and rinse well with hands under cold running water to remove surface starch. Reheat cooked noodles by putting noodles in a colander or deep sieve and plunging into boiling water until heated.
Make noodle broth according to recipe immediately above. Keep at a simmer.
Rinse finely chopped green onion in a square of cheesecloth in cold water to rid onion of slight bitterness. Gently wring cloth with green onion to eliminate moisture.
(Gyuniku Teriyaki)
Serves : 4
Ingredients :
Sirloin steaks : 225 gms
Vegetable oil : 2 tbsp
Sake : 4 tbsp
Mirin : 3 tbsp
Dark soy sauce : 2 tbsp
Mustard paste
Method :
Salt the meat lightly on both sides in extract juices.
Heat a scant amount of oil in a large frying pan and brown on one side, over high heat, 3 minutes. While the meat is frying on the second side, splash on the sake. Cover te pan and fry for another 2 to 3 mts. This browning will produce quite a lot of smoke, the meat will be seared on the outside and will be quite rate on the inside.
Remove steaks to a side plate. Over heat add the mirin and dark soy sauce to the meat juices in the pan. As soon as met glaze is dissolved, return the steaks to the pan to coat with the sauce, about 30 seconds on each side.
To serve : cut the steaks across the grain into ½ inch slices. Arrange on individual plates. Spoon over some of the teriyaki sauce. Garnish with a dollop of prepared mustard.
Combine well with asparagus with mustard dressing and beaten egg soup.
(colour plate 10)
Japan's small eggplants are delicious grilled over hot charcoal until the skin is charred. You can eat the flesh hot with ginger and soy, or lemon. they are also served chilled in summer with the same seasonings.
Serves : 4
Ingredients :
Eggplant : 8-10-10 cm long
Method :
Brush the eggplants with vegetable oil and prick the skin in a few places with a toothpick to enable heat and oil to penetrate.
Daikon salad 4 portion
6 doz daikon
5 doz carrots
4 tbs lemon juice fresh
2 tbs soy sauce
Method :
Cut radish and carrots into thin strips. Toss with lemon and soy sauce.
Sardines in umeboshi sauce 4 portion
8 pieces fresh sardines cleaned with head removed
4 pieces umeboshi (pickled plums)
6 tbs soy sauce
1 tbs sake
2 tbs sugar
Method :
Mix 2/3 cup of water in sauce pan with soy sauce, sake and sugar and bring to a boil. Add sardines. When nearly done, add umeboshi. Cook over a low flame, basting sauce over sardines until the sauce has reduced by 2/3.
Boiled spinach and bean sprouts 4 portion
150 gr spinach, washed and cut into ½ inch lengths
6 oz bean sprouts
1 tbs rice vinegar
1 tbs soy sauce
Method :
Wash bean sprouts and boil 2-3 minutes. Rinse immediately in cold water to cool. Boil spinach 2 minutes, rinse in cold water and equeeze to remove excess water. Blend vegtables with rice vinegar and soy sauce and serve.
Mackerel with tomato and onion dressing 4 portion
500 gr cleaned mackerel
3/4 onion chopped
2 pieces tomatoes chopped
1 piece bell pepper chopped
4 tbs salad oil
1 cup stock
1 tbs white wine
1 tbs rice vinegar
salt and pepper
Method :
Salt mackerel and set aside for 10 minutes. Heat salad oil in frying pan. Add fish and pour wine and vinegar over skin. Add soup and simmer until done.
Transfer fish to serving plate and top with combined chopped vegetables.
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